Author: <span>Harmony</span>

Over 25 Cheap & Easy DIY Christmas Gifts For Everyone On Your List

Wow.  All of a sudden it’s September, I’m buried in work, Goofball started kindergarten, and the littlest ones are back at daycare.  Time may be advancing quickly, but we’re doing our best to make the most of every day.  This list is my inspiration for getting started on holiday gifts.  …

Priorities: In Retrospect And For The Future

My current predicament is the result of having misguided priorities for far too long.  I used to believe that my future happiness was dependent on a prestigious, exciting occupation.  I dreamed of fancy suits, expensive cars, and designer handbags.  I worked hard to obtain material possessions and stature that are no longer important to …

Do You Have A Cleaning Schedule?

Everything was tinted with the iridescent gold of a setting sun.  I watched a large, gauzy cloud drift by overhead as the sound of cheerful revelry provided ambiance.  It was one of those rare occasions on which I actually relaxed and chatted with some neighbors while our children relished a …

To My Husband, Let’s Make The Most Of Every Phase

I tend to read and comment on other blogs as Harmony, but recently came across a thought-provoking post in my personal life.  My friends have been sharing and discussing a viral blog post titled “To My Husband In This Weird Phase Of Life,” with remarks of how perfectly it illustrates their current struggles and sentiments.  In …

Why You Will Never Be Free From Debt

There are variety of pseudo-scientific guidelines regarding the time that it takes to make or break a habit, including the misinterpretation of research which gave us a 21-day timeframe.  While habits may be difficult to overcome, they usually encompass one discrete activity.  I agree that it can be difficult to quit smoking or consistently …

Monday Medley: Summer Adventures

Even though it’s only the beginning of August, it feels like my summer is coming to a close because maternity leave ends this week.  I’ve found myself reflecting on the past few months.  We certainly have succeeded in making this summer a great one.  We’ve gone on quite a few family …