Author: <span>Harmony</span>

Monday Medley: Progress & Plans

Maternity leave is definitely not a vacation.  But while caring for a newborn is demanding, you still have a considerable amount of relatively free time at your disposal.  I am choosing to be as productive as possible to take advantage of these few months without the demands of a full-time …

Happy Star Wars Day!

Our life is perfect right now.  Unfortunately, the state of our finances prevents us from enjoying this perfection on a long-term basis.  The children will soon return to daycare and Mr. Smith and I will have to resume working full-time.  All we can do is make the most of this time, while …

My One Pair Of Sandals For Summer

“Harmony’s Toolbox” features products or services that I personally use and recommend. Let’s be honest: our closets are filled with far too much clothing and more pairs of shoes than we will ever need.  It is this overabundance that will allow me to achieve my goal of not purchasing any clothing …

Homeschooling Toddlers During Maternity Leave

I’m intrigued by homeschooling families.  It’s not an option for me because of my status as the breadwinner of the family, but I’ve found myself imagining lesson plans and educational activities to do with my children.  My father was a math teacher.  During his summers off, he would give us assignments from workbooks.  Also, I have several relatives …

Who Needs A Push Present?

I was nearing the end of labor and my epidural was no longer effective towards increasingly strong and frequent contractions.  The pain was horrible and I tried to stay motivated with thoughts of snuggling my newborn son.  It was at this point that the nurse asked my husband, “You know …

New Beginnings

A new season has begun, welcomed by the perfect little man who recently joined our family.  The sounds of birds drift into my window as I snuggle my sweet bundle of joy.  Change is in the air.  It is uplifting and invigorating to bask in the sunshine at the precipice of …