Category: <span>Mommy Hacks</span>

Do You Have A Cleaning Schedule?

Everything was tinted with the iridescent gold of a setting sun.  I watched a large, gauzy cloud drift by overhead as the sound of cheerful revelry provided ambiance.  It was one of those rare occasions on which I actually relaxed and chatted with some neighbors while our children relished a …

A Fun And Frugal Fifth Birthday

My little Goofball just celebrated his fifth birthday.  We had a great day without having to spend much money at all.  I am a firm believer that children need time and attention far more than they need things or entertainment.  We will have a party for him, shared with Tornado, …

Monday Medley: A Summer Of Savings

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last update on our progress and plans.  We’ve been having a lot of frugal family fun and working hard towards achieving our goals.  Some of our money-saving strategies required time and preparation, but we’re finally seeing results from our diligence.   Maternity …

Paying Off Kids For Good Behavior

Do you reward your children by buying them toys or giving them money?  A while back, I read this article that advocated for giving your children extra attention as positive reinforcement, in comparison to extrinsic rewards that reinforce materialistic tendencies.  While I don’t believe good behavior needs to be expensive, …

Homeschooling Toddlers During Maternity Leave

I’m intrigued by homeschooling families.  It’s not an option for me because of my status as the breadwinner of the family, but I’ve found myself imagining lesson plans and educational activities to do with my children.  My father was a math teacher.  During his summers off, he would give us assignments from workbooks.  Also, I have several relatives …