Category: <span>New Priorities</span>

A Day Off For Harmony

I’m finally starting to feel like myself again.  The stomach flu took me out of commission for a few days.  One of the hardest things about being sick was allowing myself just to rest – no work, no side hustling, no making Christmas presents, and no chores.  I think my body was telling …

A Financial Plan Saved My Life

Three suicides in the past six months.  An acquaintance, a coworker, and a friend’s brother.  We all have the same initial reaction of denial, that first step on the traditional path of mourning. Then, the questions start.  How could they do this?  What about their family?  How did we not see …

Priorities: In Retrospect And For The Future

My current predicament is the result of having misguided priorities for far too long.  I used to believe that my future happiness was dependent on a prestigious, exciting occupation.  I dreamed of fancy suits, expensive cars, and designer handbags.  I worked hard to obtain material possessions and stature that are no longer important to …

Do You Have A Cleaning Schedule?

Everything was tinted with the iridescent gold of a setting sun.  I watched a large, gauzy cloud drift by overhead as the sound of cheerful revelry provided ambiance.  It was one of those rare occasions on which I actually relaxed and chatted with some neighbors while our children relished a …