Tag: <span>working parents</span>

Announcing: Two New Resources For Better Work-Life Balance

Greetings from our homestead! In the near decade since this blog was born, I’ve worked diligently to achieve better balance between work and so many other passions. Now, I have two ways to share some of my acquired skills and knowledge with everyone.   As a New Years’ gift, I …

Top Ten Best Birthday Party Presents For Kids – To Have On Stand-By

Now that all five of our children are attending public school, we’re receiving a lot of birthday party invitations.  Sometimes, there isn’t much notice for the parties, or the invitations find strange hiding places for a few weeks.  Here is my list of presents to keep on hand, as emergency …

Our California RV Adventure: Ideas and Planning

In February of 2020, we explored California in an RV with our five kids.  We had been discussing a cross-country road trip with the family for years, so deciding to take a smaller RV road trip as a sort of test run would have been a very practical idea.  Although …

Mindfulness and Earmuffs: Tools to Lower Stress and Enjoy Life

The following is a sponsored post for your reading enjoyment.     Perhaps the understatement of all time is that life as a parent is stressful. Finding ways to reduce the stress involved in raising a family, while earning a paycheck, is vital to your physical, mental and professional well-being. Using …

Announcing: The Working Moms Fire Escape Forum

It is truly amazing how much life can change in just a few months.  Finding a new job with more flexibility has allowed our family to regain a sense of balance and catch up on life.  While we remain committed to achieving financial semi-independence, I have a new goal of …