Category: <span>FIRE / Career</span>

Announcing: The Working Moms Fire Escape Forum

It is truly amazing how much life can change in just a few months.  Finding a new job with more flexibility has allowed our family to regain a sense of balance and catch up on life.  While we remain committed to achieving financial semi-independence, I have a new goal of …

What Alice Forgot: A Book Review & Reflections On Evolving Through Life

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a book review.  As readers may already know, one of my time management strategies is to listen to audio books during my commute to and from work.  I’ve listened to a couple of entertaining books since returning from maternity leave, but “What Alice …

The Other Option: How To Climb The Career Ladder To A Promotion

In the FIRE community, there is a lot of emphasis on side hustles.  Sometimes referred to as moonlighting, this extra work can help you earn more money towards your goals of paying off debt and/or reaching early retirement.  However, another way to increase your income and achieve your goals quicker …