Category: <span>Friday Un-Frugal Finds</span>

Fitbits & Financial Apathy

In this latest edition of Friday Un-Frugal Finds, let’s chat about those plastic, colored, unisex bracelets that you see everywhere.  No, not the bracelets worn in support of a cause.  I’m talking about the overpriced pedometers called Fitbits. What does this product do to make life better?  The main function of the Fitbit product is to …

Friday Un-Frugal Finds

The farther I propel myself away from the consumerist status quo, the more I seem to experience a sense of incredulity at the way in which other people choose to spend their money.  I find myself in shock and awe, with “Really?!?!” echoing in my head.  Instead of trying to educate people …