Category: <span>New Priorities</span>

Who Needs A Push Present?

I was nearing the end of labor and my epidural was no longer effective towards increasingly strong and frequent contractions.  The pain was horrible and I tried to stay motivated with thoughts of snuggling my newborn son.  It was at this point that the nurse asked my husband, “You know …

New Beginnings

A new season has begun, welcomed by the perfect little man who recently joined our family.  The sounds of birds drift into my window as I snuggle my sweet bundle of joy.  Change is in the air.  It is uplifting and invigorating to bask in the sunshine at the precipice of …

The Myth of Work-Life Balance

Finally, I can breathe again.  To any regular readers out there, I apologize for not updating this blog in more than a week.  A project at work kidnapped me and I’ve only now managed to sneak away from my captor.  My waking hours were consumed in their entirety by this stressful …

Making Money From Old Clothing

I save all of my clothing – it’s the worst manifestation of my pack-rat tendencies.  Somehow, I manage to develop a sentimental attachment to each item in my closet.  It’s hard to detach myself from these physical possessions, even if I haven’t worn them for years.  I see the black mini skirt …

Working Towards A Simple Life

What drives you?  Some dream of status, power, and expensive things.  I used to work towards those meaningless goals based on a blind assumption that they would lead to happiness and fulfillment.  Now, I dream of freedom. There are so many days I’ve wasted inside a small office, under artificial …

Ladies: Stop Putting Your Friends In Debt With Product Parties

Product parties are consumerism peer pressure.  We’ve all been there before, it starts with an invitation to come check out some type of product with “no pressure to buy anything.”  You show up at your friend’s home and enjoy some drinks and snacks.  Then comes the sales pitch: how this line is so different, …

What Do You Really Need For A New Baby?

American parents should heed a lesson in minimalism from Finland.  Our norm is to celebrate an impending birth with frivolous and unnecessary gifts.  Guests are invited to a banquet hall to enjoy food, games, and admire cute baby things.  Before the baby shower, parents-to-be will head out to one of those chain stores and receive a cool …

What Is FIRE?

FIRE is financial independence and early retirement.  ERE is the other acronym commonly used, which stands for early retirement extreme.  I knew nothing of these concepts a year ago.  Now, I feel enlightened and driven by these ambitious and rebellious lifestyle designs. To add some perspective, let’s ask the question: …