Another week has passed and anxiety about returning to work is starting to creep into my thoughts. I am trying to channel this depressing realization into staying focused on my goals for maternity leave. Namely, to spend quality time with my family, save money, make money, and continue implementing our plan for success. The past week definitely provided us with the opportunity to make progress with all of our goals.
My blog is off to an amazing start this week, thanks to being featured at Rockstar Finance! One of my goals when I started this blog was to be featured in J. Money’s collection of awesome articles. This accomplishment really motivates me to keep writing and working hard to make this site something special. Next on the list . . . it’s time to make some more friends and offer to do guest posts. Anyone interested? Also, I have some new ideas thanks to this great article on ways to make money blogging.
Our family’s go-to snack are these granola bars. Everyone likes them and I use credit earned from Swagbucks so they don’t cost anything. I recently cashed in Amazon credits to purchase diapers and granola bars. The shipment arrived with the reduced sugar variety – not what I ordered. When I reported receiving the wrong product, Amazon provided a full refund and I didn’t have to return them. Moral of the story: speak up! We ended up with 12 boxes of granola bars, for free 🙂 A small win, but helpful nonetheless.
My newfound project to upcycle / refashion my wardrobe has also inspired me to organize my closet. I have a large shelf that runs along the top and it tends to collect miscellaneous items. In my previous, non-frugal life, I might have run out to purchase some type of plastic bin or other type of organizer. However, my priorities have changed and while tidiness is good, I’m not spending money unless it’s necessary. The solution? Diaper boxes that were headed for the recycling bin. All it took was a couple of minutes with a box cutter and I can even hang shoes on the side.
I gave Goofball a much-needed haircut. It takes me a while because I go so slowly, but the end-product looks decent. I would offer to do a tutorial, but it’s really just a modified bowl cut. I may need to start watching some how-to videos. He’s starting kindergarten this September and Mom’s styling might not be cool enough for him anymore.
One of the ways we’re saving money this year is with a large garden of vegetables. It was hard work, but everything is now planted. We will hopefully be harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, broccoli, green peppers, and peas in the near future.
My favorite activity last week? Goofball wrote out a letter to his deployed uncle. He has been working on writing out and reading basic words. He dictated the letter to me. Then, I helped him copy the words in his own handwriting. Uncle is going to be so impressed with Goofball.
While it’s not exactly school, we really need to work on potty training with Tornado. She is making progress, but it’s so sporadic. I’m hopeful that if we devote a few days to working with her, that she will finally get it.
Crafts / DIY
I finished my sweatskirt upcyle project and love it – post coming tomorrow.
We found a nice dresser on the curb in our neighborhood. Mr. Smith is going to refinish it for Tornado, as hers is currently falling apart. Don’t feel too bad for the old dresser though. I purchased it off Craigslist for $15 and used it for both Tornado and Goofball. I will post before and after pictures, of course.