Author: <span>Harmony</span>

Confronting the Credit Cards

We did pretty well paying off debt in 2014, but need to improve in 2015. One of the first steps: coming to terms with the credit card debt. Up until now, we had a general awareness of the amounts owed – a lot. It was a bit depressing to tabulate, …

Harmony’s Toolbox: Bread Maker

“Harmony’s Toolbox” features products that I personally use and recommend. I was lucky enough to find this bread maker on Craigslist (brand new) and it is wonderful.  We were spending upwards of $5.00 per week on bread and now, spend approximately $1.00.  And it is so easy! The bread-making process …

Why I Need To Use A Secret Identity

In blogging, it seems preferred that you share personal details about your life with the readers.  I have enjoyed reading open and honest posts from bloggers about their families, financial status, and personal struggles.  Blogs are much more personal when you can see a photograph of the author and get a glimpse into their …

Was I Too Frugal This Christmas?

It’s Christmas Eve and I (ever the procrastinator) finally have finished wrapping presents. Indulging in my time-wasting habit of perusing posts on Facebook, I find myself suddenly panicking that the plan for a Frugal Christmas was an epic mistake. There are so many pictures, captioned “Santa was here,” proudly displaying Christimas …

DIY Christmas Presents

This year has represented a new journey into efficiency, minimalization, and frugality. However, even in past years, I have usually tried to inlcude some do-it-yourself presents in my Christmas giving. My two main projects for 2014: hidden-treasure books and personalized magnets. Hidden-Treasure Books Mr. Smith helped with this project, but …

Keeping It Simple: Breakfast

Despite everything that is packed into my day, I try to refrain from making excuses that I don’t have time or that I’m too busy.  It’s more about making priorities (as recognized by Laura Vanderkam).  In order to excel at life, I’ve tried to make changes that will streamline the less-important …

A Mr. Money Mustache Moment

He’s right. He’s totally right. That’s what I found myself thinking as I passed the one-hour mark on my commute into work. There had been some snowfall overnight and the roads were not really that bad, but all of the other drivers on the road during this busy time of …